Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday shopping-- do you?

I went Black Friday shopping this morning, for the first time in several years.  I went with my mom and my sister, and we were feeling ambitious, but not insane, so I picked them up at 5 am.  We went to the mall (that's where our Target is) and people, I have NEVER seen the mall so busy.  Never, and I've shopped there on Christmas eve.  We had a good time, and got what we wanted so I consider the day a success.

Here are the highlights:

Kalena waking me up at midnight.  Of course she would wake up randomly on the one night I *really* need the sleep.  Why?  Well, when I asked her what she needed she told me, "My dinosaurs! My dinosaurs!" through her sobbing.  I handed them over and she went right back to sleep.

People ordering Chinese food at the mall food court at 5:15 am.  Really, that's your breakfast choice?  Also, really?  You're going to get yourself to the mall before 5 am to get all the best deals and then spend your time eating breakfast in the food court?

The line in Target that wrapped all the way around the store.  Yep, we spent more time waiting in line than we did shopping.

What were the highlights of your Black Friday?


  1. Didn't do BF this year. Went Saturday instead. Had to go to a 2nd store after the first JoAnn's ran out of the ribbon organizer. Got one at the other JoAnn's. Got some scrapbook stuff and stuff to make our Disney autograph books for the January trip. (Got a GREAT deal last year on the Cricut).


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