Friday, August 22, 2008


For those of you who played the game, it's time for the answers! To everyone who was impressed with my dad for knowing every quote, I'm here to tell you he CHEATED. I don't think he's read ANY of these books. Dad-- confirm or deny? Anyway, here you go.

1) Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen

I was surprised that nobody got this one. Has nobody read Pride and Prejudice? (Or watched the BBC version with Colin Firth like 1,000 times? No? Just me?) If you haven't read it, you should. (And if you haven't seen the Colin Firth version, come on over! But be forewarned, it's 5 hours long. Totally worth it though.)

2) The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Elizabeth George Speare

Congrats to Amy and Ally for getting this one! I love this book; I've read it a ton of times.

3) Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver

The lovely Kates got this one. (How come your link doesn't go anywhere miss Katie?) I've read this book multiple times, but I'm not sure I would have guessed it from the first line...

4) A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett

Nobody? I think I read this for the first time when I was like 8. It's a great book for girls that age.

5) Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley

My mom pointed out that this could have been one of many Arthurian type novels, but this happens to be the only one I've read.

6) Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

If you've ever read Atlas Shrugged, this opening line would be a dead giveaway. Amy and Katie got this one. Katie actually read my copy of this book while I read her copy of The Fountainhead, another excellent book.

7) Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card

Katie got this one too (sheesh, we really do have similar taste in books.) Amy, Brandon is right; you should read this book!

8) Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser

I was not surprised that no one knew this one. It's quite depressing, but still a great book.

9) Twilight, Stephanie Meyer

Katie, Katie, April, and Ally all got this one. Big surprise, everyone's read Twilight;)

10) Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier

Another giveaway first line if you've read the book. And if you haven't read it, it is worth reading, definitely.

So there you have it! This makes me want to re-read all these books. I need more time for reading. *sigh*


  1. I think that is awesome that you love to read and actually read so many books. I recently read The Scarlet Pimpernel two weeks ago - it was great! I read Ender's Game in Sophomore English in high school. I remember it was good - I should read it again. Fun game! (Did Kalena get her package in the mail?)

  2. Alright, so while I do not have an extensive knowledge of first-liners, thus did not want to toss my hat into the ring (plus I got to THE GAME after dad had already posted the answers), I could have guessed at least 7 of the books because I KNOW your favorite books! I just didn't know which line belonged to which book. Does that, in any way, count?

    The Scarlet Pimpernel IS a great book, though "Pimpernel" is an off-putting word. It reminds me of "pimp" or "pimple" and I doubt most people would like to read a book about a scarlet pimp, ESPECIALLY not a scarlet pimple. ICK!

  3. My link goes nowhere because i just blog stock people, i dont actually blog. :)

    I only got Poisonwood Bible because I re-read it last month, same with Ender's Game. But man, we really do have very similar taste in books!


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