Friday, February 11, 2011

Tell me this is temporary!!

Will has, for the last few days, been refusing an afternoon nap.  And by "refusing" I mean he talks and plays for awhile, then cries, then cries more insistently, and then I get him up.  This?  Is HORRIBLE.  I'm a little concerned that he's trying to transition to one nap, and that he's going to do it the same way Kalena did.

For those of you who don't remember what Kalena did was this: continued waking up at 6, napping at 8, being up by 9:30 and then not sleeping AT ALL until bedtime.  I don't know about you, but for me nine and a half hours is a LONG time to deal with an awake toddler.  By the way, she didn't drop to one nap until she was like 18 months old, so I REALLY hope Will isn't going to do this 6 months ahead of schedule.

Now, I suppose I should be happy that at least Will's morning nap usually lasts from 9 to 11:30 or so.  But I want the afternoon nap!  Both kids nap at the same time!  It's (usually) 2 hours of time with both kids asleep!  BOTH OF THEM!!  How am I going to live without that?  It's just so sad.


  1. Can you maybe push his back and move Kalena's up so they're both napping around 12?? Hopefully he'll be one of those kids that only takes 1 nap but it's 4 hours long!

  2. Naps are tough calls because even if the kid thinks they aren't necessary, they ARE - for your sanity, if nothing else. Just keep plugging away at 2 naps - if nothing else, at least you get a little down time while he babbles and doesn't sleep.

  3. Good luck to you! Millie moved to one nap at 11 months, but she slept 12-13 hours a night. She periodically tries to kick her one nap altogether, though. Crazy kids!

  4. I'm with Kari. Move his nap back and her back up up. In Healthy Sleep Habits happy child he suggest keeping the afternoon nap (not morning) but he doesn't know your kid so I'm just throwing it out there just in case it's useful. If they do ween off a nap he suggests putting them to bed that much earlier. :)

  5. I love nap time, it is my sanity. I hope it is just a phase!

  6. It is so so sad when the afternoon nap disappears too. Like cry your eyes out sad.


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