Saturday, November 29, 2008

That's about right

On Monday night Kalena slept for 11 hours in a row. We put her to bed at 7 pm and didn't hear from her again until 6 am. But you know what we were doing Monday night? Running around like crazy trying to get everything ready so we could leave for Thanksgiving. So we didn't go to bed until midnight and then we had to get up at 5 am anyway. So we didn't even get to enjoy sleeping all night! Of course she hasn't done it again. Actually, she's had some of the worst nights of sleep in months. One night she woke up at 3 am and didn't go back to sleep for like 3 and a half hours. And last night she woke up at 3 am and cried for an hour which is something she's NEVER done. Even when she was brand new crying was easily remedied by feeding her. Last night nothing was working but eventually she went back to sleep. I blame teething. You can see the spot on her bottom gums where one is about to come through but it hasn't quite yet.

Anyway, I guess that's just our luck. The night we weren't going to get much sleep anyway she sleeps all night long and now that we're on vacation she doesn't want to sleep at all. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason that is how it seems to go. Then you have another one and when the baby sleeps through the night the older one doesn't. :)


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