Monday, August 24, 2009

As surprised as I am to be saying this...

The ultrasound this morning says it's a boy! Wow.


  1. Yay! One of each. I'm guessing you thought it was another girl?

  2. Congratulations Elsha and Brian! That's so awesome. It's so much fun having a girl & boy.

  3. What? You're not a prophet?!? HOW EXCITING!!!!!

  4. Boys are awesome. Until they turn 2. Don't let him turn 2. Love, Maggie.

  5. Kari - is that exciting that she's having a boy or excitingthat she's not a prophet?

    Gelp - I would love to donate all our boy clothes to your cause; the only thing standing in my way is my own little cause that will be almost exactly the same age. Sorry!

  6. You got off WAY to easy! You are supposed to have eight girls and THEN the one boy Brian always wished for. Lucky dog...

  7. Congrats!! You and Brian will have your pair. I wish I kept all of Bryan's clothes but it being fifteen years ago I am sure they would be outdated. Sending you lots of love from Sam,Michelle, and Bryan


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