Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finally home

We got to bring Daniel home from the NICU yesterday! He's still on oxygen, but apparently it's common in Colorado for babies to go home from the NICU on oxygen (altitude and all that.) We have a home visit from a nurse this afternoon and our first pediatrician's visit on Monday. Hopefully he won't have to be on oxygen for too long, (he's currently at the lowest setting) but it's up to the pediatrician to decide when he'll come off.

Check out all that hair! The nurses all loved it. We're 3 for 3 on babies with a bunch of hair.

Ready to leave (in my St. Patrick's Day green):

Don't you just want to nibble on those cheeks?! I do.


  1. So glad you got to go home! He is just so squishable and sweet! I also want to nibble the cheeks.

  2. He is absolutely precious. Love those squishy cheeks! And you look amazing!!

  3. Awe, what a SWEETHEART!!! Congrats on getting to come home!!!

  4. I would gladly pay cash money to nibble those smooshy cheeks.

  5. Oh the cheeks...I LOVE the cheeks. You two look great!

  6. oh my goodness, those cheeks! Cutie!

  7. Love the hair! So glad he is home.

  8. Hahaha! LOVE the hair! And seriously, those cheeks remind me of Ruby.

  9. Congrats Elsha and Brian!! He is seriously beautiful. Love his name too!!

  10. Yes! He's so adorable. And I'm so glad you guys are home.

  11. Oh my gosh! Those cheeks!!! So glad he is home!

  12. Oh my goodness, in that second pic he looks like one of those old timey in their leather helmets! Too precious for words.

  13. *sigh* double posting to fix my original comment.

    "old timey football players in their leather helmets"

  14. Congratulations on your adorable baby with designer genes. I have one myself, who is almost 5 1/2. If and when you feel like checking in on someone who is a little further down the road than you are, please feel free to stop by and ask any questions or whatever.

    I hope you are having a wonderful, peaceful time getting to know this new person.

  15. "Nibble" doesn't cover the amount of eating you would have to do to make a dent in those cheeks!


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