Monday, September 14, 2009

For those of you who want to see how big I'm getting

Yes, I'm aware that I'm behind on posting these. Also, no, there is no 24 week picture. Why? Because I had bacterial conjunctivitis (better known as pink eye) which made me look really awesome and I didn't so much want that documented on film. OF COURSE it happened at the beginning of labor day weekend and I really didn't think I was going to get to see anyone until Tuesday; luckily we go to church with a very nice eye doctor who let me come in Sunday after church for an emergency visit and prescribed some drops for me. So, all better now and (cross your fingers) it looks like I didn't give it to anyone else. Anyway, pictures:

22 weeks:

23 weeks:

25 weeks:

I'd like to see how these compare to when I was pregnant with Kalena, but I'm too lazy to do it right now. My guess is I look smaller this time around because with Kalena I'd put on 25 lbs by 25 weeks and this time I've only put on 15, but who knows. Women usually look bigger the second time around right? Any of you Midland readers remember what I looked like with Kalena? One of these days I'll get out the pictures and look. So there you have it. I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures later this week because I just looked on my memory card and found a bunch that I'd forgotten about. Of Kalena obviously; she's pretty much the only person I take random pictures of.


  1. Well, one thing is for sure, you still look beautiful as ever. Glad to here you are doing well.

  2. You look great! Skinny Minnie. I think you look smaller than you did with Kalena, because I think you just look smaller overall. Congrats!

  3. So cute! I hope I look cute when I get pregnant again since I'm 55 lbs. lighter. I looked like a whale with Libby!

  4. Cute belly! And I don't know what's getting bigger, your belly or your boobs! :)


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