Thursday, February 19, 2009

I TOLD you I was going to talk more about online shopping

So, remember in this post when I said that I ordered a bunch of kids books online? Well, they are here! I've been reading them to Kalena, or trying to anyway. She is much more interested in attempting to rip pages out of the books than listening to the stories. So when I say "reading to" Kalena what I mean is "reading out loud in the same room as" Kalena. She'll enjoy them sooner or later. Since I know you're all DYING to know what books I got, I'll show you:

Yes, I am nerdy enough that I took pictures of the books I bought. Also, yes. That is a lot of Dr. Seuss. I love the library, and I'm sure we'll be spending lots of time there when Kalena is older, but these are all books I think are worth owning. Now you tell me: what books would your collection be incomplete without?


  1. board books we can't go a day w/o
    Moo, Baa, La La La
    Good Night Moon
    Yummy Yucky
    Planes by Byron Barton
    Trains by Byron Barton
    Trucks by Byron Barton

    I could go on and on...

    we own all the disney fairy books :)

  2. We are lovers of all kids books! Lately my kids favorites are:
    Disney Fairy series
    American Girl series
    Junie B. Jones
    Color of His Own (about a chameleon)
    Oh, I could go on and on, too.

  3. Shel Silverstein!!!
    My kids LOVE his poems.

  4. Great books. I'm jealous. Another good series was the Berenstain Bears!

  5. The giving Tree
    Goodnight Moon

    and Clyde loves Dig Dig Digging, which you can guess is about big machines....haaa. When we drive down the street he'll point to a semi and say "Did did DIDDING"

    the library is chock full of good reads, too. I would have never guessed Clyde likes and dislikes the books we have, so the library is cool in that non-committal kind of way.

  6. Good choices! I had so many of those. Hopefully someday I can borrow them from you.
    No, not for me, for my kid.

  7. You gave Eli The Empty Pot. It is such a good book!


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