Sunday, July 26, 2009

18 weeks

I'm 18 weeks (ish) and since that's when I started taking pictures when I was pregnant with Kalena, I thought I should probably strive for some consistency. Now, the dress I'm wearing in the picture definitely accentuates my belly, and I did that for a reason. It's our first Sunday back here and I didn't want people wondering or guessing about it so I figured I might as well make it as obvious as possible. Actually, when I came downstairs after getting dressed Brian looked at me and said, "Hey, when did you get pregnant?" He says life has been so crazy that even though he is aware that I am pregnant he keeps forgetting just how far along I am. Which is, by the way, ALMOST HALFWAY. GAH.

I was SUPPOSED to be having the big-- check on all the organs and growth and make sure nothing is wrong-- ultrasound tomorrow. We were also planning on finding out the sex of the baby. BUT, here I am in a new state with NO DOCTOR. Makes it hard to have an ultrasound. I really should start looking for a doctor I guess.


  1. Good luck finding a doctor, that can be hard! You look so good, it's amazing how fast it goes when your chasing a little one around :)

  2. Man, moving when you're pregnant. That is crazy!

  3. What a cute little belly! You better find a doctor soon because what if you're wrong and you're having a boy?!! Wouldn't that throw us all for a loop! Also, why have the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy been like, 4 weeks long?! ugh, it's taking forever!

  4. Love the dress and you look cute as ever! Good luck on the doctor front. Just pick a girl name already!

  5. You look fantastic! Good luck finding a doctor, it is always fun.

  6. Susan Sayers at primary care physicians. She's awesome. You're looking good, girl!

  7. Looks like your baby is growing fast! You're looking good, too! D-day will be here before you know it! Good luck finding a doc!


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