Most of you probably know that Brian and I are pretty laid back. Or very laid back. In fact, we may have been called, "the most laid back people I've ever met" by more than one person. This has, I think, made things a little easier for us as first time parents because we tend not to worry too much.
When Kalena was first born we didn't really try to put her on a schedule. I watched for patterns in her day, but mostly we just fed her when she seemed hungry and put her down for naps when she seemed tired. It was a good thing we never tried for a schedule because there never was one*. Some days she napped well, some days she didn't nap at all (she was always happy either way, sometimes she just wasn't tired.)
Anyway, she got into somewhat of a routine after she started sleeping through the night. We could typically count on a good morning nap but the afternoon nap was always a little hit and miss. Now she is trying to move to just one nap a day. This would be fine, BUT she's still taking her long nap relatively early, so she starts getting fussy 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. At that point it's too late to put her down for a nap-- all a nap does is delay bedtime by 2 or 3 hours and since a later bedtime never means a later wake up we're not so big on that. But our only other option is to deal with her being fussy and tired for 2 or 3 hours until it's late enough that we can put her to bed and she'll be down for the night.
I know it's just a phase and if all we can do is wait we will. But if anyone has any super-awesome nap-schedule-fixing tips they'd be much appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to come over around 4 or 5 and entertain Kalena so Brian can cook dinner without her whining up at him and hanging off his pants I'm sure he'd appreciate that too.
*When people would watch her for us they always asked about a schedule and Brian would always say there wasn't one. Then the next time they saw me they'd ask if that was true or if Brian just didn't know. Do dads in general not know about kids schedules, or do people just not trust Brian? I always thought it was a little funny that they'd ask me at all considering Brian was the one at home with her all the time while I worked.